Altough I have been visiting to and fro since the summer of -69, I feel I have barely scratched the surface.

Theme of this trip was art galleries, Tate Modern, Salisbury wing at National, with Dutch portraits and the best; the Cortauld at Somerset House.
Shopping only for Serina and Gunnar had his uaual visit to Apple store.
Add a slow boat to Greenwich, pubs of better qualities, night walks along the Bank, my usual fight with a cheap hotel owner, thundering travels on the Tube, I, me, on my own.

Hope next time St. Martin-In-The-Fields will be reopened.
I missed the Sunday service, the jazz in the crypt and a candlelight concert.
In return we got to celebrate the new milllenium with the Ethiopians at Trafalgar Square.
"But what have they done with the seven other years?" my mother asked.