A short report from over the sea. Our advent celebrations started November 28th this year, the first of four Advent Sundays. Or, to be honest, it started Saturday November 27th, as Gunnar had to carry 16 boxes of Advent and Christmas decorations down from the attic. On the Advent wreath two lights have been lit by now. The color of Advent is purple, but I feel free to use the colors of my liking. In the churches it is right to follow the sacral colors though. Did you know that the church year starts with advent, the waiting for the arrival of Messiah? Hosting a Christmas workshop is my greatest advent pleasure. Tradition from when I was a child. Earlier I invited Serina and her friends. Now my hiker friends are perfect company.. This year angels in various forms were the theme of the workshop. Our kitchen is the perfect place for these activities. No place or making food, so I ordered open sandwiches from a neighbor. This year angels in various forms were the theme of the workshop. Our kitchen is the perfect place for these activities. No place for making food, so I ordered open sandwiches from a neighbor. We downloaded angels from the Internet and used several techniques, decoupage, ironing on fabric, painting e.t.c. My Youle nisser are admiring Liv's and Tilly's skills from their hiding place on top of the cupboard . So do the angels in our window.Hearts belong to Christmas decorations as well. In 90 % of Norwegian homes you'll also see this Advent Candlestick shining from one ore more windows in December. Our regular house guest, the cat belonging to our neighbors was also very curious as to what was going on for more than six hours that very day. He sure doesn't like to be ignored. Who does?