The wake of the ferry carrying Serina back to school over the hills and far away.The Danes call this season the after year. My mother is however still at her best age. Hiking with the "girls" near Liv's house. I love sheep in a naive, yes sheepishly way. Often I try to persuade Gunnar to buy us a little farmhouse with sheep, some hens, a cat and a goat. He thinks I'm just being my ordinarily mad self. I know it would be a meaningful way of life. I think I'll have to check up the farmer living in the woods in Liv's neighborhood. In Sauda the Canadians, owner of Union Carbide, built a factory about 1915. After WW1 they started melting manganese for steel production. The factory is still melting raw material for war industry. The hotel was built in the 30s to provide suitable accommodation for the directors. Oldest church yard in Sauda under fall blue sky. Hoofland is the name. Here were the ancient gods of the vikings worshiped. When Noway was Christened churches were built on the old hoof sites, to prevent people from sacrificing before the old gods. In the background Hovlandsnuten, a pike of 934 metres. Me and my father's pike. We went from home over two ridges to climb this pike an autumn Sunday in 1965. Gunnars just finished his month long reading of Finnegan's wake. Now he's on a new expedition; interpreting the book upside down.
Important message sent daily. My dentist is located in one of the few remaining town wood houses built in a Dutch style from late 19th century. The nice location makes me feel less scared going for the root canal works. Hall to my qi-gong studio. Nice, isn't it? I have to admit; Gunnar is the better wok'er. Something with accuracy and taking his time to get the ingredients well cooked. Hiking in the rain. I love being outdoors in all kinds of weather. Some sour days the threshold mile can be too high though. The Horn mountain in the background is a hike aim...for next spring. For now it's just too slippery. Turid and Liv in the woods. The Hortensias arethriving in sour soil and lots of rain. Swan song for the Petunias, Pelargonias and the Marguerites. God's summer curtains are also dropping their leaves. The song birds will still hide there right in front of our living room windows- all winter. The Lavender has been harvested for indoor use. Even the Begonias, originated from my grandmother, have had two frost nights and are now resting in our washing cellar. Good night from my kitchen dresser, may we all rest peacefully.