As much as blogging has become a part of my daily routines and joys, and my blog friends are an immense source of inspiration, spiritual fellowship and interpersonal love and understanding, I have to put myself on sick leave for a while.
I've had as a principle that I at least should answer and keep in touch with the ones that bothered to visit and comment on my blog.
Lately I haven't been able to do that, and that makes me feel so shameful.
I have been struggling with this chronic fatigue syndrome for two decades, lots of broken bones due to osteoporosis, arthritis and now also gastritis.
I am blessed to live in Norway. I have appointment with our family doctor once a month, physiotherapist once a week, and I go hiking and swimming also a least once a week to keep this old machinery running.
I have family, a few, but dear friends and best of all husband Gunnar and Serina who care about me, and vice versa.
Thanks to Teach Mary and Gunnar I also have reached a new level of enjoying photographing.
To me blogging has been about sharing, preferably of the good things in life. Thinking about my blog friends make me feel rich, happy and conscious about values and interests beyond my own sphere.
I will in random order thank Terry, Amrita, Mrs. Mac, Saija, Lidj, Crown of Beauty, Trish, Debbie, Sonja, Carol Ann, passing thru Bob, John C, Jim, Teach Mary, Leora, Robin from Israel, Pilgrim father David, Annie, Julie LBM, Constance, Pat, Diane, Cheryl, Deb, Maria Stahl, The Montreal Sisters, Colleen, Kris, E G Wow (who taught me to enlarge photos), Carletta, ilandavita, Nora Johnsen, reg, jel,
Ralph and Patti and Raven. You have all put so much wisdom into my life, broadened my horizon and opened my heart.
I will be back. I simply cannot be without you.Please bear over with me and say a prayer if you feel like.
Treasures from summer and fall 2010. They are neither photo-shopped nor enlarged, but you can double click to see more details.
A walk in the forest last Sunday.
Sundown in October. The lighthouse of Haugesund, called Tonjer Fyr, used to have two guardsmen working on shift. Now they being are computer supervised.
Each fall there's Friday swimming by candlelight in the public swimming pool. Ice water, fruit, candles and soft music with admission for adults only. We are five friends who love spending two relaxing hours there.
Gunnar and I just have to visit the old church on the Karmoy island now and then, a perfect place for sundown shots.
Our dear aunt Lilly also lies at the church yard nearby. She was a special dear relative and friend to all of us. Paying her grave a visit is comforting. This summer I have lost two of my "prayer children" and one dear friend from early childhood. Kirsten was in particular a hard blow. I am still shook by her too early departure.
Gunnar hiking in rough weather. Can't you see he's related to many viking chiefs?
Hiking in the mountains surrounding our town just one week ago.
Heinrich Heine's beautiful poem "Auf dem Brocken" should be accompanying this photo.Heller wird es schon im Osten
Durch der Sonne kleines Glimmen,
Weit und breit die Bergesgipfel
In dem Nebelmeere schwimmen.
Hätt ich Siebenmeilenstiefel,
Lief ich, mit der Hast des Windes,
Über jene Bergesgipfel,
Nach dem Haus des lieben Kindes.
Von dem Bettchen, wo sie schlummert,
Zög ich leise die Gardinen,
Leise küßt ich ihre Stirne,
Leise ihres Munds Rubinen.
Und noch leiser wollt ich flüstern
In die kleinen Lilienohren:
Denk im Traum, daß wir uns lieben,
Und daß wir uns nie verloren.
The trail leads through thick woodland.
After sundown, still in October.
Overlooking the Bay of Whales.
Tonjer lighthouse in golden fairytale light.
Am car exhibition. I've watched the movie Convoy numerous times. Imagine how I'd love sitting behind the steering wheels of this machine.
y mother is busy in her garden, cleaning her house every Saturday and making dinner everyday. Can't you see how she's full of joi de vivre?
Our October Garden, preaching fall.
Salvation Army's second hand shop.I love spending time and money there. Recycling and money for a good cause.
Gunnar are only interested in buying books.
The garden in September, while one still could have a nice cuppa outdoors.
My mother was both happy and surprised when a card from Terry and Bernie found way to her house.
Beating my Mom in Chinese checkers after midnight.
Excalibur at the am car exhibition.
This Cadillac got my vote.
Tractor eggs from Jaeren.
Painfully realistic art exhibition. Names of murdered girls in North Mexico.
One was encouraged to embroider one of the names of the anonymous female victims.
Sundown by Olberg sea.
Olberg harbor.
A Catapillar of American size crossing the road.
Ryvarden lighthouse in September.
Lunch by Ryvarden, eating Norway's # one outdoor chocolate bar.
Ryvarden has been converted to a so called "culture lighthouse". Here we attended the launching of a new book about Norway and Iceland.
Gunnar brought an elder biography about his great aunt Bjorg, written by the Icelandic ambassador. They had met nine years ago in Iceland and were happy to reunite. He of course asked her to sign the book.
This summer my stomach have been acting severely up. This shrimp baguette brought me into lots of trouble. I love sea food, so it felt like a major setback.
Gunnar, on the other hand, is enjoying his food, and hopefully will become even better after seeing a famous Egyptian stomach specialist.
Serina, soaking wet, after dancing a wild Indian rain dance on the terrace.
"We don't have rain like this where I study," she proclaimed.
Idyllic Skipper street in old Skudesnes on the island.
Serina while free climbing the mountains of the park to reach the Moon stone.
Thought Mrs. Mac might like to see a knitted ad pole for Norwegian handicraft.
The finest rose area of the district.
People actually still live in these picturesque houses.
Look, how the house is built to adjust to the street.
Thought of Jim's Adi.
My mother's still making the best waffles, but Serina is giving her competition.
She can also act naughty when she feels I am being too fuzzy with my camera.
Mom with her Sunday hobby, word puzzles.
She will never do any "work" on a Sunday and dislikes me even knitting on a holiday.
The most precious love of my life, Sernia.