I have to admit, I'm a compassionate collector, more like a hamster, actually.
My kitchen memorabilia are from left:
1.Can that contained candies in the fifties. Remember when candies were weighted and packed in a paper cornet?
2. Replica of old tin coffee pot, made in Poland about 1970. Has followed me since then.
3. New Stelton coffee thermos. Gift from my best friends who had overheard me wanting just that model, and presented it for a birthday gift 6 month later.
4. Empty Folgers coffee box. Brought home to Norway from Montana in 1946. After ww2 there were shortages on almost everything here, but my granddad had coffee, sugar and chocolate in his trunk when he returned to buy a new farm for his wife.
5.Tin cup, also Polish from 1970.
6. Box that once contained Norwegian biscuits. Now we hardly produce any food home, but import Oreos and Snickers.
7. Enamel coffee kettle from about 1975. Top modern back then. Now no one hardly boils coffee anymore. We either use press coffee cans or the espresso machine, if we aren't in a hurry and pour hot water over instant coffee.
8.That tin box is for sandwiches for school children. Or rather was; this very box my mom filled with 2 sandwiches and 1 carrot for me to bring to school the year 1956.
The picture is taken to night with my cellphone on our kitchenchairs.
Daughter Serina was of immense help, skill and patience around the photoshoot.