I always was my daddy's girl.
Tied to him by innumerable bonds. Here we had traveled six hours by boat to get to the ophthalmologist. I was three and my dad taught me reading and writing on that trip.
As years and tears go by, I realize that in life's versatile areas of knowledge,learning,skills,ethics, love, no one has had this immense influence on me like my father had.
To cell and backbone marrow level, that is..

After finishing gymnasium, I wanted to work for a year, to find out where and what to study. At the age of eighteen I became a teacher for half a year. Just past nineteen, I decided I had to try something else. Got a job in an old fashioned psychiatric ward. There was a nurse and me, taking care of 30 men.
My parents did not like me to leave home in that mission. My father had to go to his office. When I came down the morning of departure I found this message.
We didn't know of Valentine's back then, but the date is February 14th. The paper has not been manipulated. It has had its place in my Bible all these years.