I read a post by Steve E "Alone and Loneley".
I think many of us can relate to that feeling; being alone midst in a crowd.
One of my favorite poems, as a very young teenager,was about this topic, written by the poet, Sigbjorn Obstfelder. (Wikipedia link here).
I searched the Internet for a possible English translation and found it on YouTube.
Daniele Sepe - Jeg ser - I see - Vedo - ENG - ITA SUBBED
I see, I see
I'm looking at the sky
Grey clouds are covering the sun
So this is the world
Without time nor boundaries
The home of all heavenly bodies
Then I see
Bell towers
And fields in the distance
So this is the earth,
Where everything grows,
The home of mankind,
Then I see
Well dressed gentlemen.
Children riding on a carousel,
And an elegant Lady,
Further on
Someone is beginning for a stale piece of bread,
I think something doesn't work
On this planet.
I see, I see,
I must have come to the wrong globe,
Here is so weird.

Edvard Munch painted the Scream about the same time as Obstfelder wrote his poem. They were related souls.