Ephesians 5:16 was one of my father's favourites and has also become one of mine. Particularly the words about "redeeming the time".
While looking for a usable English translation of these words, I stumble over a net place called Biblos.com. They explain redeeming the time like this:
"Redeeming the time - The word rendered here as "redeeming," means "to purchase; to buy up" from the possession or power of anyone; and then to redeem, to set free - as from service or bondage; notes."
We have bee through some really rough waters the eight days. First my mother's youngest sister Henny died at the age of 82. The my mother had the secon severe fall in a month. This time down the outdoor concrete stairs. We were met here on the city hospital and she was thoroughly examined till about midnight. No broken bones, and my mother decided she would return home to Sauda. Gunnar and I of course followed. Kind of blessing in disguise; my mother accepted more help from public home nursing. They now come twice a day and bring hot food four times a week.
Back in Haugesund Serina returned from her summer job in Bergen.
Yesterday we read that this was the last Sunday our favourite cafe was to stay open. On our way to town we called my Sister in law and her daughter, who also happened to be home from her studies.
The four of us spent four hours in the cafe. The lovely coffee-house owner gave us cookies and home made confect to go when we left.
Today we got the sad news that my mother's little brother, 84, had died during the night.
Serina and I are off to my Mom, while Gunnar is keeping the fortress here in Haugesund.
How lucky I am for the four hours of healing redeeming time at the cafe yesterday.
Thanks to niece Kristine Marina and SIL Sigrid for being the there with us, and sending the pictures yesterday evening.