Saturday, December 15, 2012
Christmas Carols # 15
This carol was written in 1992, but has already become a dear contribution to our treasure of Carols. Sung on TV and in churches, in schools and kndergartens.
That is what I like about about our Christmas songs, they are a living phenomenon, midst among us. As long as the gospel is living, new songs will be written and keep the words and content alive. Christmas celebration may be a tradition, but it's also much more. It's the beating heart of Norway, performed everywhere in November/ December.
Norwegian Christmas Carols # 14
We have an abundance of Christmas carols needed to be sung at Yuletide.
One is standing out among the hundreds and that is "Deilig er jorden ", meaning "The Earth is wonderful".
Whereeveer this song is performed, the whole assembly will automatically raise and join in.
Like today at my aunt Aase's funeral.
"Generations will follow generations, but the song about the Eternal Savior born in Bethlehem shall never be silenced."
One is standing out among the hundreds and that is "Deilig er jorden ", meaning "The Earth is wonderful".
Whereeveer this song is performed, the whole assembly will automatically raise and join in.
Like today at my aunt Aase's funeral.
"Generations will follow generations, but the song about the Eternal Savior born in Bethlehem shall never be silenced."
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas Carols # 13
On St. Lucia Day, December 13 th, my Mom went to heaven in wonderful peace.
St. Lucia is a Sicilian Saint celebrated in Lutheran Sweden and Norway with children singing, carrying candles and bringing buns to family and neighbors.
A perfect Homecoming Day.
As Gunnar and I arrived the Home today to follow our Mom on her last journey, the hall was filled with happy kindergarten children singing Santa Lucia.
St. Lucia is a Sicilian Saint celebrated in Lutheran Sweden and Norway with children singing, carrying candles and bringing buns to family and neighbors.
A perfect Homecoming Day.
As Gunnar and I arrived the Home today to follow our Mom on her last journey, the hall was filled with happy kindergarten children singing Santa Lucia.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Christmas Carols # 12
I'm sharing my Christmas Carols with you while Christmas melodies are filling the air here in my mother's room. She's had a stroke, and no one knows what the outcome will be. There's no doubt she's listening and enjoying the familiar songs.
1. Thy little ones, dear Lord, are we,
And come Thy lowly bed to see;
Enlighten every soul and mind,
That we the way to Thee may find.
2. With songs we hasten Thee to greet,
And kiss the dust before Thy feet;
O blessed hour, O sweetest night,
That gave Thee birth, our soul's delight.
3. O draw us wholly to Thee, Lord,
Do Thou to us Thy grace accord,
True faith and love to us impart,
That we may hold Thee in our heart.
4. Until at last we too proclaim
With all Thy saints, Thy glorious Name;
In paradise our songs renew,
And praise Thee as the angels do.
Regarding "Her kommer, Jesus, dine små", this is the title in the modern lyrics of the song in Norway. The title translates as "Here Come, Jesus, Your Little Ones". Originally, however, it was called "Her kommer dine arme små", which translates as "Here Come Your Little Poor(*) Ones" (*: or helpless). However, in Norwegian "arm" meaning poor or helpless is a very antiquated form, and the word "arm" also means arm (the limb) - for kids it was probably a bit confusing to sing a Christmas carol about a lot of little arms coming. Therefore the alteration of the lyrics.
These are not my notes, but some I found on the Internet. A great Christmas story is written about a little boy believing he was singing about the small arms. Some day, before I'm getting too old, I must have it translated. I'd love to share it.
1. Thy little ones, dear Lord, are we,
And come Thy lowly bed to see;
Enlighten every soul and mind,
That we the way to Thee may find.
2. With songs we hasten Thee to greet,
And kiss the dust before Thy feet;
O blessed hour, O sweetest night,
That gave Thee birth, our soul's delight.
3. O draw us wholly to Thee, Lord,
Do Thou to us Thy grace accord,
True faith and love to us impart,
That we may hold Thee in our heart.
4. Until at last we too proclaim
With all Thy saints, Thy glorious Name;
In paradise our songs renew,
And praise Thee as the angels do.

Regarding "Her kommer, Jesus, dine små", this is the title in the modern lyrics of the song in Norway. The title translates as "Here Come, Jesus, Your Little Ones". Originally, however, it was called "Her kommer dine arme små", which translates as "Here Come Your Little Poor(*) Ones" (*: or helpless). However, in Norwegian "arm" meaning poor or helpless is a very antiquated form, and the word "arm" also means arm (the limb) - for kids it was probably a bit confusing to sing a Christmas carol about a lot of little arms coming. Therefore the alteration of the lyrics.
These are not my notes, but some I found on the Internet. A great Christmas story is written about a little boy believing he was singing about the small arms. Some day, before I'm getting too old, I must have it translated. I'd love to share it.
Christmas Carols # 11
This used to be my favorite song when I was a child. Singing,dancing , clapping and bowing to the lyrics of the Christmas Gospel. In Norway we sing carols when walking around the Christmas tree. We walking one circle clockwise, the other counter clock e.t.c. I have posted a video for you to see. I know that music generates happy memories. This song have been special to Norwegian children for more than hundred years.No wonder we love this time of the year. It's in our genes!
A Carol from Norway
"O Jul Med Din Glede"
Gustava Kielland
1. O Christmas, you season of childlike delight,"O Jul Med Din Glede"
Gustava Kielland
We all give you heartiest welcome;
Our voices we raise in a song clear and bright,
To bid you a thousand times welcome.—
Our hands we will clap, clap, clap,2. O wise men who come from the lands of the East,
As merry as can be; so glad are we this day to see,
We circle all around, bow and curtsey. ----
We know of the Babe you are seeking;
We pray we may join you in your holy quest,
And follow the star brightly beaming.—
Our hands we will clap, clap, clap,3. In joy and thanksgiving I offer my hand,
As merry as can be; so glad are we this day to see,
We circle all around, bow and curtsey. ----
And ask that you give yours in token,
That we be united by this sacred band:
God's love through the ages unbroken. –
Our hands we will clap, clap, clap,
As merry as can be; so glad are we this day to see,
We circle all around, bow and curtsey.
carols for children,
Monday, December 10, 2012
Christmas Carols # 10
Martin Luther said in one of his famous Table Talks: "I wish with all my heart that everyone will love and praise the divine music and exquisite gift. I get so overwhelmed by the many major features music has, I do not know how I'll be able to speak about it or where to start or end my speech. "
Thus a word artist like Martin Luther actually became speechless when trying to describe the great gift of music.
A special greeting to Debbie's Dad.
O Holy Night is a French Christmas song by A Adams. It was translated into Swedish and a great "hit" by Jussi Bjorling. Later the Americans have taken the song to their heart.
Hardly any Christmas concert without this touching and tuneful song.
O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
Thus a word artist like Martin Luther actually became speechless when trying to describe the great gift of music.
A special greeting to Debbie's Dad.
O Holy Night is a French Christmas song by A Adams. It was translated into Swedish and a great "hit" by Jussi Bjorling. Later the Americans have taken the song to their heart.
Hardly any Christmas concert without this touching and tuneful song.
O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was born;
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!
Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,
Now come the wisemen from out of the Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friends.
He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Behold your King! Before him lowly bend!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in his name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Norwegian Christmas Carols # 9
From radiodays Alf Prøysen was a beloved "Uncle" of children's entertainment. He wrote his version of Christmas Eve where the nativity scene took place in the poor Norwegian snow landscape where he grew up.
It has always been easy to relate for grown ups as well as for children.
First video clip shows another Norwegian tradition. Artists singing for the benefit of Salvation Army's Christmas kettle.
Julekveldsvisa (Christmas Eve Song)
Nå har vi vaska golvet og vi har børi ved
og vi har satt opp fuggelband og vi har pynte tre.
Nå sett vi oss og hvile og puste på ei stund
imens jeg rugge vogga, så bror din får en blund
Dra krakken bort ått glaset, så sett vi oss og ser
og prøve finne leia der julestjerne er,
Den blankeste ta alle, hu er så klar og stor
du ser a over taket der hvor Jordmor Matja bor.
Hu er så snill den stjerna, hu blonke', kan du sjå
og nå skal jeg fortælja, og du skal høre på.
Den fyrste gong ho skinte så laga hu ei bru
imellom seg og himmel'n og ei krybbe og ei ku.
I krybba låg en liten gutt så fresk og rein og god
og mor hans dreiv og stelte'n og far hans sto og lo.
Og gjeter gutta deromkring dom kom til og frå
og bar med seg små lam-ungar som gutten skulle få.
Og tel og med tre vise menn - dom rei i flere da'r
og ingen visste vegen og itte 'hen det bar.
Men stjerna sto og blonke på himmel velvet blå
så ingen ta dom gikk bort seg og alle tre fekk sjå.
Ja, det var fyrste gongen som julestjerna brann
og sida har a brunnet i alle verdens land.
Og samme hva som hende er stjerna like stor
du ser a over taket der a Jordmor Matja bor.
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