We need both bread & roses.

I have become like a blog raven; I steal silver from my fellow bloggers. It's New Year and time for reflection. Scarf Sister Pat put it so wonderfully in her post today, " I believe in second chances." Amen to that. I need second chances and new hopes for my personal development. I have been flunking forth grade in the school of life for decades.
Autumn outdoor meditating as good as it gets

My friend Annie talked about three minutes of meditation every day. Knowing that meditation always is good for me, I grabbed the idea. I can do three minutes, I sure can. Being a blogger queen I searched for the topic and found the instruction...3 minutes meditation. I have already began, sitting on the brown pillow, looking out in the garden, with Kitty by my side. http://www.peterrussell.com/TV/3Min.php
Annie, your site is even better, I think I can manage 6 minutes and use both.
Third theft I made from Mrs. Mac, at least I think she was the one who wrote about the new way of being a consumer on a low cost budget. Buy what you need, not what you want. I am making lists before I go to the grocery store. We shall have what we need, but not heaps of trade deal food making us fat and uncomfortable.
Three good beginnings for body, soul and mind.