We all had to set everything and everybody aside to achieve this aim.

He even read the "extended" version to verse 20, like my father would always do.
The torch was delivered on, my dad had taken over in 1961, when my grandpa had recently passed away.
We knew we all would shed a tear at that moment. Sorrow is the price of having loved. I was willingly paying that sum.
el found the almond, Serina was delivered the pig. Last year she got it from my father. In nineteen years she has never had the luck to find the almond herself. The saying is unlucky at games makes lucky at love.

Tough Monten is looking victoriously over her successful work.

It has been a most special and memorable Christmas to all of us. We feel tighter knitted than ever. So thankful for having each other and our anchor safely placed in the cradle and the cross.