Happy Birthday to daughter Serina and brother Kel. I'm giving you the good memories from birthday celebrations 16 years ago. This particular year we celebrated three days in a row. First with the small, close family, then with the school class and last with children from the neighborhood. Most pictures were captured by Gunnar. I had the opportunity to take a few too. Serina always was this smiling blue eyed girl, with lots of love and laughter. Not a thing she would not do to please her mama.
Yeah. Over the sofa and down in the splits early birthday morning.
My mother used to help me out with baking cakes, but I think this one was ordered special for Serina from the confectioner.
Cousin Kristine Maria, bro Kel, whose birthday we celebrated the day before and my Mom, still wearing an apron.
Mia was a part of the extended family, her grandson, Alexander is born Feb. 26th,will be 18 tomorrow.
Somehow I cannot find aunt Lilly. She used to be the most faithful of all celebrators. Kel, Mom, Gunnar's brother Harald and sister Sigrid, and the happiest of them all; my dad. Yesterday Kel celebrated with going to work, Serina shall be with her roomies in Ireland and we shall have cake with my mother. Great fun Skyping by midnight though.
Birthday wish On your birthday You are a king No other day Will ever bring A chance to fly Without wings Feel as if You are on a swing Higher so much that No one can think Give your life A new tinge Of laughter, joy Beam and bing So what are You waiting for Come on sing Happy Birthday to You
I cannot resist a good challenge. When Leoraimplied that I probably could not make the same Photoshop choices twice, I simply had to try once more to improve another wrecked picture. The bleak January sky and gray sea made my take of our harbor skyline dull and blur. What made the change is an artistic filter called poster edges. The lighthouse guarding the sailing entrance from the west, gave inspiration to the well known words from Psalm 119. (Hebrew Bible). I wish you all a peaceful week end.
As good housewives we are trained to take care of the leftovers and use them as intelligently and colorfully we possibly can. Be it dinner, fabric or yarn. Patchwork, the great American folk art, is made of leftovers. When photographing I have been quick to delete my mischiefs. Today I was out in our garden to capture the first snow drops. This picture went off by accident. I had some minutes left and thought I'd fiddle with it in Photoshop before erasing it.
1 Chor. 1:27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.