Two weeks ago we were rambling in the local district, turning our back from the sea to a fjord, woodland and inland.
The picturesque Monet bridge made us stop the car.
Time to return to old habits and joys. Like for instance blogging Ruby Tuesday 2.
The blond summer was busy, but now we're past Autumnal Equinox and it's time to slow down.

What a difference in the scenery just a few miles away.
We found the Norwegian edition of Monet's garden and deer preparing to leave the lowlands before the hunting season.A log cabin, smaller than any American shed, but a paradise to admire from the road to me.

A slow, but wonderful restful time of the year. I love being in it. Stretching out the joys of daylight as long as possible.
Shutting out the el.light in the morning. "Don't burn a hole in the day," my mother exhorted, long before Al Gore even thought of going green. In a short month the light will have diminished drastically. Carpe momentum is the slogan. Time is precious.

Home is the sailor, home from the sea and the hunter is home from the ground...