This week we shall be lightening two lights. Two lights for hope and peace.

Advent means Arrival. Maria was the first waiting for the arrival.
How appropriate that she was selected among "The Silent of the Country".

This Mother Mary, made of ivory, was the first gift I gave my husband to be and the coming father of our child .
It's almost as if she becomes alive when I'm trying to make her portrait.

I have met the most wonderful people in blog-land.
Barbro taught me how to make my own candles with angel décor. She's such a young and inspiring acquaintance, a creative homemaker with food for body and soul.

There's a mini angel in this photo with a read necklace. can you spot her?

Carl Larsson girl is placed under the old fashioned candlestick, patiently waiting for the arrival.

Even the old youle nisse has placed himself in my grandfather's chair.
He's dressed in the sweater my mother knit for me when I was a toddler. Serina also used it for a year, before the old man claimed it.
The nisse is meditating over Christmas Hymns while looking fascinated at the Star of Bethlehem.
I posted this Ruby Tuesday early Monday Morning just to remind you that daughter Serina is facing her first of to oral exams today.
Praying is not cheating, even if my little brother thought so, long time ago.
Visit teach Mary for more Ruby Tuesdays here