When our last cat, Marcello, disappeared in 2006 and we all were totally heartbroken, I said, "never again". I cannot bear more lost love now.
Four years later I said," if God wants us to have a cat, He'll have to send us one."
The next morning Amidala stood on our doorstep, hungry and with icicles hanging from her fur. She was so polite and thankful for some food and being let into the outer entrée. She kept purring and stroking up to us, and had us captured from that very first meeting. Gunnar opened the garage and found some rags she could hide under. The next day and the following day she'd wait outside our for food. We tried to find her previous owners through the local radio, paper and even hung posters of the cat on the local grocery stores.
Nobody wanted her. The cat stayed and we let her into our home and our hearts. Serina named her Amidala after the Queen from Star Wars.
She was fully house trained from the first day, and she adopted us as her chosen family moment.
I guess when God sends a cat, he does it properly.

After giving birth to five wonderful kittens in February and getting spaded in April, she has regained both weight and her thick fur.
Amidala is neither a pet or a mean of escapism. She's a fully member of our family. Adding life to our lives.