Serina fronting the Heddal stave church in county Telemark
not far away from the home of her grand aunt.

This stave church, all made of tared wood, is the greatest in Norway with it's 64 roofs.

To me the style looks oriental, but one doubts that the vikings went farther east the Istambul, called Myklagard.Once there were about 2000 stave churches in Norway, now only 28 are remaining. I've got to correct myself. We know for sure that king Sigurd went to Jerusalem - Jorsal- in 1107.
King Olav Tryggvason and
Olav Haraldson the Holy , both went in viking East Way to Russia, Novgorod and further down in about year 1000.
They evidently picked up inspiration and influence from their "trips".

Heddal stave church probably dates to the early 1300 hundred, though others mean the name Maria 1242 carved in the wood should be the correct year of the building.

The church was dedicated to St. Mary, but like the rest of the churches in Norway were " Lutherized" in 1537. The so called reformation was mainly to convert power and wealth from the church to the king. The Danish kings robbed the churches of all its belongings, land, silver, art e.t.c.

The church is a natural sepia. It cannot think of any more beautiful sepia than tar. Sadly a group of satanists burnt down about a dozen churches a decade ago, 3 of them in our region.
This church is well protected, a national heritage.
Credits to Gunnar and Serina. All photos may be enlarged by double clicking.
Teach Mary is the host of Sepia Scenes,visit her.