Days and nights since January 7th have been sadder and busier than I can describe.
My Mom was admitted to the local hospital that very day, and our lives turned upside down since then.
She's a brave warrior, my Mom. Too tough for her own good. For four years she was in main charge for the care of my brain damaged Dad.
It was a 24/7 task, with the help of nurses five times a day, some friends and of course the family, but we all lived too far away.
When she decided to arrange family Christmas celebration, she already had a urine infection, but did not tell. Just drank less water so she wouldn't be to much bothered.
When the kidney was damaged the pains got unbearable and she finally agreed to have a word with the doctor. He called for an ambulance to send her to hospital. My Mom waited for us to come home first.
She then was treated with antibiotics at the surgery ward.
And sent home after four days. Home to us in Haugesund that is.
Sunday 13th she was brought away in ambulance once more.
This time with a stroke. She could hardly speak nor hold a bell, nevertheless she had to be placed in the hallway.
The neuro ward was 50% overbooked and there simply was no other option for the overworked staff.
Till brother Knut Erik called from afar and a door was opened to the "Town Major suite."
Now my mother even got physiotherapy and speak training every day as well as proper medicine.
We were all relaxed and content, even I who in desperation had contacted the local newspaper about my Mom's situation.
Not a very successful story, it later turned out. The nurses were thrilled though, they are not allowed to talk publicly about their horrifying job situation, down staffed and overcrowded.
My Mom was admitted to the local hospital that very day, and our lives turned upside down since then.
She's a brave warrior, my Mom. Too tough for her own good. For four years she was in main charge for the care of my brain damaged Dad.
It was a 24/7 task, with the help of nurses five times a day, some friends and of course the family, but we all lived too far away.
When she decided to arrange family Christmas celebration, she already had a urine infection, but did not tell. Just drank less water so she wouldn't be to much bothered.
When the kidney was damaged the pains got unbearable and she finally agreed to have a word with the doctor. He called for an ambulance to send her to hospital. My Mom waited for us to come home first.
She then was treated with antibiotics at the surgery ward.
And sent home after four days. Home to us in Haugesund that is.
Sunday 13th she was brought away in ambulance once more.
This time with a stroke. She could hardly speak nor hold a bell, nevertheless she had to be placed in the hallway.
The neuro ward was 50% overbooked and there simply was no other option for the overworked staff.
Till brother Knut Erik called from afar and a door was opened to the "Town Major suite."

We were all relaxed and content, even I who in desperation had contacted the local newspaper about my Mom's situation.
Not a very successful story, it later turned out. The nurses were thrilled though, they are not allowed to talk publicly about their horrifying job situation, down staffed and overcrowded.

With promises of warmer days and newborn life.
At home my Mom is trained by a physiotherapist.
She's eager, my stubborn mother. I am of farmer blood, she proudly told the doctor, when he praised her stair abilities.
The other night she even beat me flat in Chinese Checkers.
I then began to hope that this might turn out well, even though we have a long, long way to go. Together I hope and pray.