Daughter Serina is and has always been very shy. She is well gifted and scores high on IQ tests. Nevertheless she is troubled by her low self esteem, except when she is role playing. In the tensing choir she always loved the drama group. Working in kindergartens or in the local grocery shop, it's fine, because I'm playing a role, she says. This summer she was at Madame Tussuad's in London with a friend. They really had a ball.
Tomorrow she's gathering with senior high students from all over the county in Stavanger, acting in a "mini UN" conference.
She is supposed, together with three others to represent Lebanon. A complicated and tough task. She is however really looking forward to this meeting.
I would never have believed that possible a couple of years ago.
God bless her, my father keeps praying.
So do I.
Yay! Go Serina!
...So how'd it gooooo..??
How does one represent Lebanon?
Good luck to her.
Nice blog btw.
Thank you!
Lebanon (who is not currently a security council member, only an invited part) was completely run down by USA and China who were taking shifts on putting down veto on every resolution draft that would actually help improving the situation.
Other than that it was really fun! I Loved it and for two whole days I was really considering a career as a UN diplomat :D
^_^ Serina
Trist det tatt meg slik lang skrive til De.
De sannsynlig ikke har K-SKJEMMET hvor De lever. Når de har en salg, de kaller det en «blå lett spesiell».
Jeg skriver en Juleparody sang hver år.
Jeg håper De er sunn og glad.
Jeg ønsker De og Deres familiefred og elsker denne fridagsesong !
Sorry it has taken me so long to write to you.
You probably do not have K-Mart where you live. When they have a sale, they call it a “blue light special”.
I write a Christmas parody song each year.
I hope you are healthy and happy.
I wish you and your family peace and love this holiday season!
P.S. Congratulations Serina!!!
You should be proud of yourself for doing that. Thank goodness there are still people like you in the world that care enough to try and make a difference.
Woow. Serina, you make beautiful art. I'm gonna make an account on Deviant so I can comment and stuff, just not right now. But WOW. Pretty.
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