Friday, August 22, 2008

Subject was Jesus at the Temple as 12 yearling. Sarah over at Renae's Morning Coffee says: "Jesus is always right where we leave Him. I often have to go back and find Him, too."


Terry said...

Oh my Felisol...This is so beautiful. I don't think that I would be afraid of the sea if it looked like this...Oh wait till Mr.Jim sees this!!!
Just wonderful!

Usually I have a lot to say but I am just so much in awe of this scene that I have no words!...Love Terry

Felisol said...

Dear Terry,
You certainly would not be afraid of the sea.
You'll just have to put your hand in the hands of the Man who calmed the water.
That I know you do already.
From Feliisol

Renae said...

Hi Felisol! As always, I love your pictures. Yes, that comment by Sarah struck me, as well. It is so true. If we get separated from Jesus, it is we who left - not Him.

Felisol said...

Dear Renae,
Yeah, Sarah had a one liner, you have many.
I so enjoy your Morning Coffees.
Hope they'll just go on and on.
From Felisol