Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Shabby Chic

My mother doesn't care about trends or fashion anymore. She's just taking care of, or rather let live things she's fond of.
Like this young ceramic guy with a face from her childhood.
Once he throned on her mantlepiece all brown without scars, moss or other signs of a lived life.
Then he fell to the floor and went to pieces, but his charming face was still intact.
My mother placed him on the chimney of our home made (hers and mine) fireplace in the secret garden. Every spring he's got more "freckles", but his enigmatic smile and the mocking glimpse in his eyes becomes more and more apparent year by year.
Boy out of time, but in our hearts.


Colleen said...

I love this Elise.:)

I wish we would all just forget about trends and enjoy those things we love!

Ha en fin dag!

John Cowart said...

Hi Felisol,
What a great photo, one of your best ever!
Ginny and I also have a couple of broken stature, pots, toys, etc. scattered around our garden to age. They make an intriguing feature.
Say hi to your Mom for me.

Amrita said...

Very symbolic. Old i s gold.

The smile is preserved even though it has freckles. He looks quite happy there said...

I love that face. He looks like a picture of a fishing boy my mom used to have!

Have a great week Felisol.


Crown of Beauty said...

The memories matter more ...

This is a memorial to the seasons of your family life.


Annie Jeffries said...

omigosh! Seriously, Elise. I love that dear little face. And he does not seem to mind his warm home at all. said...

May we all learn to just enjoy what we enjoy...they make memories, which you have just shown. This is an interesting piece