Through his death he turned hatred and hostility to peace.
The entire kingdom decided on a Thing, (democratic assembly from back to year 700), the Christianity should replace Odin, Thor and the rest of the old pagan belief. Now wonders kept to occur near the belated king, and a church was built in his memory. The first of many Saint Olav churches. The building started only four years after King Olav's death. King Olav was buried behind the high altar, later placed in a sacred shrine, and pilgrims from all over Europe came to taste the holy water of Saint Olav's spring water. Royal coronations were performed in the church till our days. Our king and queen were officially blessed for their duty in a ceremoniously in the Nidaros Cathedral.
The Catholic church named the cathedral "Cor Norvegia" , heart of Norway, since the relics of Saint Olav were placed there.
Also after the reformation in 1578 the church held its position of the foremost church in Norway.

To maintain and even extend and add ornaments on this old stone church, an entire workshop with crafted stonemasons, plasters, sculptures, archaeologists and conservators work all around the year to keep the church from deteriorating.
In the 1960-ies it so happened the sculpture of Archangel Michel lost its head.

The sculptor followed an ancient tradition, to let a living person be a model for the replacement head.
This happened the early sixties with scaring murders of American presidents, Asian wars, social uprising in the ghettos, the cold war and above all the terror of a nuclear war, threatening to destroy the entire globe. The sculptor let the face of the spokesman for all our fear and despair be depicted in the face of the mightiest angel of all, Michael.
Such were the times, that it took 50 more years who was the model of archangel Michael.
Now even more pilgrims visit the dome to admire this mighty testimony.
Gunnar was there yesterday, and I said the only thing I really wanted as a souvenir was a postcard of archangel Michael/Bob Dylan.
"When He Returns"
The iron hand it ain't no match for the iron rod
The strongest wall will crumble and fall to a mighty God
For all those who have eyes and all those who have ears
It is only He who can reduce me to tears
Don't you cry and don't you die and don't you burn
Like a thief in the night, he'll replace wrong with right
When he returns.
Truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow that is passes through
He unreleased His power at an unknown hour that no one knew
How long can I listen to the lies of prejudice ?
How long can I stay drunk on fear out in the wilderness ?
Can I cast it aside, all this loyalty and this pride ?
Will I ever learn that there'll be no peace, that the war won't cease
Until He returns ?
Surrender your crown on this blood-stained ground, take off your mask
He sees your deeds, He knows your needs even before you ask
How long can you falsily and deny what is real ?
How long can you hate yourself for the weakness you conceal ?
Of every earthly plan that be known to man, He is unconcerned
He's got plans of his own to set up His throne
When He return.
Beautiful archangel sculpture and church, and Bob Dylan is my favorite poet / songwriter / musician.
So glad to read your latest post dear friend. This is an amazing story. Bob Dylan was the model... I would never have known this. And thank you for the brief historical account of your country. It is a beautiful story. Shalom, Felisol!
ELISE!!! Color me excited. I was just thinking of you last night and remembered you at Vespers. Now that I've said that, I'll go read the post.
Love, love, love,
Dearest Annie,
I haven't forgotten you for a moment either. So thankful that you are remembering me and my family in prayer. We sure do need it. I have been too exhausted to blog, but things are slowly turning to the better. Gunnar and Serina were recently in Trondheim to fetch a Land Rover for Serina. They went into a side chapel and prayed like true pilgrims when they visited the Dome. We also have a St. Olav church here from year 1100. It has so much story within and around. If you can stand the cold, I'm sure you would like Norway. :) Will be visiting your blog soon.
What an amazing church building!
dear felisol...well it is ten after twelve and i have finally been able to get on this computer..it all boiled down to that here were 18 gigs that needed cleaning and now that it is squeaky clean, i was able to get here and read about that wonderful church and the history behind it....oh that is such a handsome face on the arch angel felisol but even more wonderful is the poem!...bernie and i read it together...did bob dylan write this?...what serious and truthful words, he has written...that guy knows that the lord is coming soon!.....the truth is certainly a straight arrow and the way is narrow for sure felisol....and few there be that find it...i think by the way that bob dylan writes ' he is on the narrow way...thanks so much for a great post felisol my bestest friend!...i would have been here sooner but i never even knew you had blogged.....take care now...i have some unfinished business to attend to......love terry
Dearest Terry,Oh yes, Dylan wrote "When He returns" in 1979.
I guess you are soon fully educated on Dylan stuff, eh?
It sure is worth listening to as well.
Dear Felisol:
I am so thrilled to 'see you' back again! My blogging has been a little scarce these days, so much of life going on that must be dealt with, as you have been doing.
I pray Serina is feeling better, and I'm just happy to hear from you!!!
Love, your Texas Norwegian sister,
Thank you, Sonja. It feels good to be back on the horse again. to have more to say than can be done in a two-liner on facebook.
Thanks for always being so sweet and faithful. I hope you and yours are doing well and that you get some "self-time" in between.
Serina is slowly getting out of bed and on the floor.
We are thankful for every day.
What a fabulous post! You never fail to amaze me with your historic knowledge and artistic view.
Curly locks and all. A wonderful post, Felisol. You have weaved much ancient and modern history together .. in a seamless effort.
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