Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Serina has presented her first picture from school.
Let an apple describe you as a person.


Jim said...

I hope her Ipod is an Apple and those are Apple label songs, Beatles maybe, she is listening to.
Cute idea!
Have a nice week, I'm glad you put this on, you don't talk much about your own status.

Amrita said...

She the apple of your eye!

Anonymous said...

How is Serina doing?

And how are YOU doing?


Felisol said...

Dear Jim: Serina and her father are Apple freaks, so they wiil accept nothing else. Serina is, as are we all a lover of all kinds of music. I think the Apple period of the Beatles was their best, but that theme never came up in our frequent discussions.
Hope you and Mrs. Jim are well as you are setting off to Europe.

Dear Amrita,
Serina means more to me than both my eyes.. I hope my heart has maany rooms, but Serina occupies the living room, that's for sure.

Dear Lil Pilgrim Pal,
neither of us are doing well at the moment, but i think I can cope better than Serina.
I have Gunnar as a pillar by my side.
Serina is also used to always have us by her side, watching her back.
Now she is on her own, and ill, that's not easy.
We are in touch every day, and if she wants, we'll go and see her. She ia pround and stubborn, and needs time to heal and prove she can manage on her own.
She is, however thankful for all prayers, from the Pilgrim Pals as well as her grandma, aunts, uncle,family friends and us, her parents.
Gunnar and I have long planned, and paid for, a short week's stay in London from Sunday.
It will be tough to leave, not knowing she's began to recover.
Hope things arre working out well for you, my friend. How do you manage with the changes in your life?
I was comforted by the song you sent. I can feel your deep care and concern across the water.
You are a very seldom blossom in our Lord's garden.

God bless you all.

Vicki said...

Dearest Felisol,

I just wanted to thank you for praying for my sister, and also to let you know that Serina is very much in all my prayers, too. It is so hard being a mother and my heart goes out to you and your sweet daughter. While I pray for her healing and well-being, I know that God is growing her faith in these early years, and that she is so blessed to have your love and support, even when it is from miles away. {{Hugs}} I care about you and hope you will let me know how things are going.

Blessings in Christ Jesus,

Anonymous said...

I am doing well. My aunt came with her friend, and we had a GREAT time together. She told us such funny stories, and he did, too, so we were brightened from our sometimes-dreary days...besides that visits from friends/relatives are few and far between. No one wants to come to Canada from the US, although we are not really all THAT far!

I will be praying for your vacation


Jim said...


Pilgrim Pal, you could always come back home. Texas will always have you.

Felisol, I'm glad Serina is going to make it by herself for school. Some kids don't, you know.

Saija said...

that is quite artistic and speaks volumes!

Sue Seibert said...

Really cool photo!

Anonymous said...

Hei Elise,

Trist jeg har vært borte for slik lang.

Jeg har tenkt på du ofte og ønsket du og din familie godt.

Jeg vil besøke igjen når jeg er våken.

Ta bekymring, min venn.


Mrs. Mac said...

Hi Felisol,

I've visited here off and on for about six months ... came over by way of Canadian Blogger (Miss Terry). Great picture representing Serina as a still life picture :) Hoping she is feeling better and doing fine in school. May you take comfort knowing you gave her a good foundation for life.
God's blessings to you!

Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

Dear Felisol; praying for you and Gunnar and Serina. Thank you for all of your encouragement and prayers! You are such an encouragement to me! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mrs. Ljung!

I hope you are well. I am over here as promised, and I see it has been a long time since I've been here!

I had a refreshing weekend out in fresh country air! I caught up with a few old friends, and a lot of my former customers. One is interested in buying my business I had to close at the beginning of the year...I'm praying she will call me soon to make arrangements and start talking about specifics. It would be nice to see the business continued, and get some money for it.

Hi, Mr. Jim!

My I have a best friend who lives in Texas (I have a local best friend AND a long-distance one--aren't I blessed?!), and my friends there always remind me what I'm missing out on. I miss Texas, those few times I was there left a large impression on me, but it's too much for my family to travel there. I have always told my best friend I will be there at her wedding, though (Lord willing)...whenever that is....

God bless you all,

david hayes said...

This picture is brilliant!

Terry said...

Godd morning Felisol...I am just hopping by to say that I am thinking of you here in Southern Ontario.
It is another hot day in the neighbourhood here and I am loving it!
It was nice to just now see you at the Pilgrim Pals and to know that you are praying for Minerva, Heather, Jim, Arlene as they will all be going to their various appointments today.
I am sure that the Lord will take note of the many prayers that are reaching His ears.

Guess what Felisol?
Gracey bought Mom Golden a book that Billy Graham wrote and Dad Golden was caugth reading it!
Mom was so excited about the whole thing that she phoned Gracey 1230 in the morning to tell her!
Passing-thru says that God is working on Dad Golden because certainly Satan would not want Dad to be reading the likes of Billy Graham!

Well I am off to pick my brother up for breakfast.
He and my sister in law are visiting from Iowa and I guess they want to go to Macdoanld's.

Take care my friends, Felisol, Gunner and Terry

Felisol, it is Minerva's birthday on Saturday!
She will be 41 years old and she is a teacher just like Gunner is...
a good teacher who loves her students..

Terry said...

Quick correction.
It is Minerva's birthday on Sunday Felisol!...Love Terry

Terry said...

Dear Felisol
Did you see the beautiful picture painting that Curious Servant put on his "Job's Tale" blog.
Felisol it is the painting of the good Shepherd and a few of his beloved sheep, but He is looking off into the darkness where He sees a lost sheep.
My Felisol, do you think that that lost sheep is Dad Golden?
How glorious this would be if he let the Good Shepherd find him and take him home!!
Oh how glorious!!...Love Terry

Thank yo SO much for praying for my dad so much!!