Originated by MaryT, check hers for today.
I blog, therefor I am...
Sometimes real life is more important than that of the internet.
This has been such a week.
Ruby treasures have filled my time.
Family, friends, nature, books, art & music are some of God's incredible gifts to me these last days.Serina ..coming home. Staying up late nights, helping me with blogmusic, shopping and dining out.
Serina is into art noveau and its Austrian cousin "Jugend."Here posing with Norwegian posters from 1900.
The hiker girls had a lovely Tuesday in the town upland.
Last days of October, the snow had fallen and disappeared during the night..
Walking in wet moor, we also had to climb fences set up to protect domestict animals on pastures.
Look; snow and red mountain cranberries.
The town's own hiker-place, available to all her inhabitants, the Havaas(Ocean-hill) hut.
Liv reading poetry after the coffee break.
Gunnar, Turid and I attended Kirsten's painting vernissage. She is a multitalented woman with a vigorous energy.
Sunday; time to celebrate Gunnar's brother in law, 69.
Terje had a severe brain stroke 6 years ago, but has fought his way back, in a way none would imagine.
Shrimp sandwiches are his specialty.
View from Turid's kitchen window. If my cellphone cam had been more efficient; I would have been able to present a horde of warblers, plus two white swans in the lake.
I normally compose my Ruby Tuesdays Monday Eve.
I would not dream of reclining the invitation of a girl's night for the sake of a dear hobby.
Turid and Elisabeth, nearest and dearest. They were whistleblowers in a serious case of maltreating mentally retarded 12 years ago. Their courage resulted in new and better laws for the mentally handicapped in all of Norway.
We all bear scares after that bitter fight, but agree we'd do it once more if neccessary..
Who is that in the first two photos?? She's ... beautiful. Even though she's not red ;)
Hi, Mojo,
my daughter Serina is eating red food and having red kitchen tools in the background. I agree that she is beautiful, looking much like her dad.
From Felisol
I agree that your non-blogging life comes first. Glad you remembered us though. I agree with Mojo that your daughter is lovely.
Those open faced shrimp sandwiches look delicious! The view from Turid's window is fabulous. And your daughter is beautiful. I enjoyed visiting again.
The rubies in life are all around us. In our lives, families and friends. The wonderful celebrations (and celebrating the good health) ans=d absolutely stunning land of Norway. Yes, we all have ruby gems all around us - thanks for sharing yours with us!
You live with amazing style and grace. The settings are so beautiful, the company so lovely. Thanks for showing us!
Taking inspiration fromyou Felisol. i also posted a red photo on my blog. LOL
Good to see what you all have been doing.
Good to see Serina.
Kudos to Elizabeth and Turid for standing up for mistreated people.
Felisol, Thank you for your thoughtful comment at my blog! This whole election has been an affair of the heart for myself and people like me who have been rooting for Obama since the beginning. We are going to win, Felisol, you are invited to celebrate with us! :)
Oh and by the way, Happy Ruby Tuesday! I love your post and all your family and friends! :)
Very nice pictures !
BTW the painting on my blog is probably a cheap copy or even an original from somebody unknown, but not a Picasso, lol ! My doctor wouldn't have enough money to buy one!
Dear Felisol
I am glad that all is well with you.
I will come back tomorrow to comment on these nice "people" pictures....Love Terry
Thanks. I always enjoy the glimpses you give of your beautiful family, friends and homeland.
I enjoyed your wonderful pictures. You have a full, rich life. Sharing it on your blog is the best part of this hobby.
Dear tour guide,
I highly appreciate my blog-friends. They have added much flavor to my life and surely broadened my horizon.
In my age, when old knowledge is not
so easily updated, I find that most valuable.
Dear Debbie,
Fresh shrimps, like we get them here at the coast, sure is a sight and a taste to quicken the appetite.
Daughter Serina once ate nine of Terje's sandwiches! Good for us that my in-law-family always make a lot of food for their huge family gatherings.
Dear Ralph,
you are a great sharer yourself.
Like you I think that life's ordinary joys are not so ordinary when they aren't that easy to obtain.
I started blogging as a whiner, and ended praising the Lord for all his gifts with no price tag on them.
Dear M Maracas,
I feel I live very plain concerning wealth and status.
I feel blessed though, because of all the things I get for free.
Dear Amrita,
How nice of you to come along on Ruby Tuesday. You are one of the people who have taught me the most. I am so looking forward to what more Ruby you will come up with. Thank you for being a prayer-helper for Serina.
Dear teach Mary,
I admire your full hearted engagement and hope you enjoy the celebration.
During my blogging years I've met quite a few devoted Democrats and equal devoted Republicans. I think that the hope for our common future world lies in this devotion among the grassrooters of the world's only superpower nation.
Just talked with my Mom (83), she said she would pray for America. They still got a long and winding road ahead.
Dear Gattina,
I loved that doc's picture. Think it's nice with waiting in a room where art and furniture show that the clients are appreciated and welcomed. Not only bank palaces should be decorated. Also your swimming pool likewise was elegantly equipped with hand made tiles. Superb.
Dearest Terry,
all's well that ends well.
I made it, made most of the think I hoped to reach last week, and I am thankful for that. I also am happy that I have friends home and on the internet who understands my shortcomings and still care about me.
What a rare gift.
Dear John C,
I like the idea of us exchanging the essential aspects of life, health, belief and blessings.
Reading your blog sure gives me a lot of cornerstone values to think and reflect about.
From Felisol
Dear Grandma Faith,
I like sharing, 'cause I'm getting so much in return.
I still wish my photos were better and bigger, and my English has more gaps than a Swiss cheese.
Connection with wonderful people is the reward of my blogging. I have no intention of giving it up.
From Felisol
It looks like you have been having a fun time! Happy Ruby Tuesday a little late! And thanks for commenting on my blog too. :)
Heidi Jo the Artist
Such an interesting read and glimpse into your life, you've had a busy and wonderful week!
Lovely art noveau posters and the photo of the fence ladder/stairs is a fine one.
Real life is rich indeed, Felisol! How exciting to have your daughter home. I can hardly wait til the 21 of November when we arrive at Pilot's and Sarah's new home! We will share 10 glorious days together, I have posted pics of our vacation in Mexico!
Dear Felisol,
I always enjoy your Ruby Tuesday posts. I am admiring Serina's plate of 'high' food. A plate of food that is sparse but piled HIGH for visual presentation. Will you please personally thank Turid and Elizabeth for their hard fought fight for the mentally handicapped in Norway. I just recently read some disturbing news from Australia about a small town doctor not wanting to be hired because he had a son with Down syndrome ... such discrimination is pathetic. Hugs
Hi Felisol! I love the music on your blog now! Perhaps it has been there all along, and I've just had my speakers off. But Handel's Messiah is one of my all-time favorites. It takes me straight to heaven, it seems.
What beautiful pictures! I never get over how lovely your Serina is. And I'll bet she is just as pretty on the inside. Like her mama.
I pray you are doing well. I think of you often, and wish I could come someday and see your beautiful land in person. But alas, we will have all the time and all the beauty we can soak in - one of these days!
Blessings to you, dear sister!
Hi Felisol! Thanks for dropping by my RT post last week. I agree with Mojo, your daughter is really beautiful. I love the series of photos that you have in here. Happy RT!
Hi, Heidi,
thanks for coming by.
The only Heidi I know of, is the Heidi from Johanna Spyri's books.
Got the book from my grandmother in my preschool years. Still have it.
Love it.
Hi Pia K,
I also like the posters, but had great difficulties in getting the pictures clear. No blitz allowed inside the museum.
Munch's Vampire (of one of the posters) set a new price record when sold at Christies last week.
Hard to remember that Munch himself in vain tried to trade his paintings for food a period of his life.
Dear Pilot Mom,
I indeed share your joy.
Hope you'll have some blessed days in Florida as well.
Dear Mrs. Mac,
you are right about the sparse Norwegian plates, esp in restaurants. The Americans are shocked; skyhigh prices and a minimum of food. No usebringing doggybags in our country. The Chenese restaurants on the other hand are welcoming abundantly serving, and aslo for a lower price.
That's where I prefer to go.
Hi Renae,
Right, the music bit is new. Serina helped me install.
Handel is an alltime favorite.
We use to listen to The Messiah one Sunday in December. This year it seems we'll have to go out of town to "find" a production, preferably in a church.
From Felisol
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