We get to see a lot on our hikes.
This mountain farm is still operated, only from a second farm down by sea level.Tractors have made life a lot easier for the farmers. Still they have to fetch water outside and do a little bit of laundry under the open sky as well. The antique sink tub is not for exhibition, but a piece of utility. On the other hand the farmer has installed double glassing!
Homage to Rose. Reflected in the window; an old pit shed where there once was a mica quarry. (We "harvested" quite a lot of mica for our collections)

Originated by MaryT, check hers for today.
Great photo love the color and the basin love it too. The reflection of the glass window makes it more so dramatic because it reflects the not seen image behind. Love it!! Thanks for sharing.
My Ruby Tuesday is here
Love the red barns! I have related topic - barn door :-)
...Ruby door is the perfect background for...
Fab shot..love that vintage trough :))
What a great photo Felisol. I love the reflection in the window. Norway has such colorful homes and barns; so different than the US. I've been in touch with many of my Norwegian relative this week and they sent more photos of Sumstad. I will probably post some of them later this week.
Thank you for your kind comments on my post about my mom. I really appreciated them.
Wonderful composition - red wood panels, a round tin, and a window with reflection. Lovely.
I sure am glad I don't have to fetch water and wash laundry in a tub like that.
The red makes everything look so clean and festive.
I would like to see a picture of what is in the reflection of the window...
This is a gorgeous shot, nicely composed and wonderfully red!
beautiful red barn. i love the shade of red, the reflection in the window and the surroundings. it's so peaceful and relaxing.
Modern touches make life easier - the new items do not detract from the classic style, they make the old place easier to live in. Who wants to wash clothes in that giant tub these days, anyway??
Great red for RT! The colour looks so good within the green shrubbery and grasses.
I love the last shot!
Beauty of the Fall
oh felisol..the red farm building is so marvellous but that reflection in the window is priceless.
you know felisol, you are getting better and better, the photos you take.
i remember that mom golden used to give us baths in those old metal tubs.
this brings back sweet memories.
bernie loves the picture of the ferns because one time when we had to deliver papers to make a living, there was a really old lady that took a liking to him.
one time i was getting so far ahead of him. i delivered one side of the street and he, the other.
well finally when he did catch up, there in his hands was a whole bouquet of those ferns.
when we got home, he planted them and they grew so well and increased in amount that there are several gardens around here that he has given some of the "babies" to and they are all flourishing!
sometimes when we drive along that lady's street, i tell bernie that his "girl friend" is still looking good even though she is pushing one hundred..hahaha!
felisol, i am not trying to flatter you but i must say the first picture would win a prize!
love terry
Lovely shots, especially the first.
Hi Felisol, I like that tub. We called it a wash tube, they held rinse water and other uses I don't remember for the old wringer washing machine my mom had.
Us kids bathed in them too. Read about it a little in the first poem, Two Special Girls.
We both used the same water, my younger sister was first.
Happy RT! I am not playing this time again, I am 'working' on stuff around here. Just have a simple post that won't generate too many comments.
What a beautiful spot. That first photo is exquisitely framed. Just beautiful. I love the second one too. The colors are so wonderful and it's so rich in texture and... it's just beautiful. And you found mica! How cool is that!
Love the color of the old farm house.. Love photos of nature..
My ruby Tuesday is here.
with Love,
Double-glazing but no running water. It's amazing what we (I) take for granted sometimes...
I remember growing up we had neighbors from Norway. She'd grown up on a remote farm and for Christmas one year she got her parents indoor plumbing so that she wouldn't have to use an outhouse when she visited in the dead of winter :).
You ladies always see such interesting things on your hikes.
We have an old washtub exactly like that one in our back yard; I occasionally use it to wash yard ornaments, but I can remember as a child 65 years ago, at Grandfather's farm, we took baths in the thing.
I love the barn!
your composition is beautiful
Great farm house. You posts keep telling me to "come to Norway". Some day my wife and I will.
Nice red building. lovely find on walks. Happy RT
great photos! red is my favorite color for barn :)
u may view mine here
We have these old basin or tubs in India and they are used for washinbg or storing water.
It must be hard to farm in the mountains, but the people of Norway are very hardworking and adventurous.
Really like the photos.
Elise! LOVE this. Such a moving story it is with life still showing hardship but beauty abounding. I was immediately attracted to the reflection but still can't quite make out a "shed?".
Nothing beats being back to basic. Lovely.
So beautiful!
WE still use antique sink tubs like the one shown in your picture!
The reds make a great Ruby Tuestday entry.
Thank you for visiting my blog...and leaving such a heartwarming commnet.
Oh, Felisol...my family were farmers!
Grandparents, my Daddy started out Farming. When I was just over 3 years old, he set off from Tennessee to Michigan to work in the Steel Mill. Was a much better living but not a better way of life. I miss the hills of Tennessee and the beautiful Red Barns!
Thank you for the wonderful memories!
Beautiful photos!
beautiful photo of the red barn and green surroundings!
The old washing method would make for great exercise. No need to visit a gym :). If everyone had only two sets of clothes it would be do-able ;). Extremely beautiful pictures once again, Felisol!
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