If I had to live my life over - by Erma Bombeck
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day. I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage. I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained or the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains. I would have cried and laughed less while watching television and more while watching life. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner." There would have been more "I love you's." More "I'm sorry's." But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute, look at it and really see it , live it and never give it back. The wonderful ting is; we all have the opportunity to live the rest of our lives this way. We need not look back on our mistakes, but ahead for our possibilities. Originated by MaryT, check hers for today. |
I loved Erma Bombeck's philosophy on living life to the fullest and not missing out on those precious moments we may often take for granted.
Did you know she lived in the Phoenix area near me? A wonderful lady who is missed.
And do you know what? I'm going to indulge now and lie down since I'm so tired. The world won't fall apart. LOL.
Love you,
Erma Bombeck was a very smart lady! If only we learned this early in our lives. Good thing it's not too late. ;-)
The picture of this rose looks almost like satin or silk - it is beautiful
The writing is lovely, we all have to live and enjoy life as it is. The superficial almost consumes us, friends and family we all must have the time for - the most important use of our time...
This ought to be required reading for all...at least once a year.
lovely post..food for thought!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful words of the late Erma Bombeck with us, Felisol. ;-)
The photo of the rose is beautiful!
Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Great post and a ruby photo indeed,
That sure is a true Ruby right there!
My Ruby Tuesday
So interesting, that you chose to quote Erma Bombeck. I certainly like the idea of listening more.
that is so beautiful and the flower looks so radiant! Sadly, a lot of us are guilty of those things mentioned. Am trying to make it up though:) Happy RT!
Yes, I agree! Seize the day, and live life to the lees! Nice thought to share. Thanks!
My RT entry is here. Happy RT! :)
dear felisol..this post has made me cry..how full of truth it is!
the first point is so true and many a time you have chided me for this and i have listened to you the last year.
the world can certainly go on for sure..i remember a poem that one of my high school friends wrote. i can't remember the words to the poem but i know that it was about a pail of water.
someone told a person to put their hand in the water and swish the water as strong as she could and for some length of time.
then the girl pulled the person's hand all of a sudden out of the water and lo and behold after all of the work of swishing the water about, that same water filled in the space and soon there was a stillness and the water was as clear and undisturbed as could be.
the last line of that poem burns in my memory.
"there is no indispensable man!"
felisol, you have been a real help to me in the first point mrs. bombeck made..i find that i am not as tired as time gone by and i am able to say no if i am not feeling up to doing something..there has always been someone to fill in the gap!
and i want to thank you for this...love terry
That 's beautiful, Erma was a great woman.
I also have a list of things I would do differently if I had a chance. But God 's grace has covered my faults and failures.
The silky rose is very attractive.
thanks for sharing the red and those thought provoking words...
Quite a nice photograph, set as it is amongst those ideas.
I've seen and read this many times over the past few years and it always reinforces what is truly good in life.
Your photo is beautiful!
I've always loved that piece. She was a very wise woman.
I agree with Erma Bombeck. Thanks for posting this poem.
Best wishes
a crimson flower
caressing my eyes and mind,
comforting my heart
My Ruby Tuesday
u are so right on that words of wisdom :) what a lovely flower in red :)
u may view mine if u have time
Wow. B : )
looking forward not back is such wise advice
beautiful flower felisol
like a painting
wow...what a brilliant red flower..it is very beautiful as well as the writing...it reminded me of the mistakes i did back then and on how i taken things for granted but in the end...we have to learn from that, let go and live life anew..thanks for sharing such uplifting words
mine is here
Great post! Beautiful photo - beautiful and wise words from Erma Bombeck.
Also, more woot! woot! for the good things. :)
got an award for you.. check my site in a few minutes!
Hi Felisol,
Having been away for a while, I've just read and enjoyed your postings back into October. You have such a lovely country and family and outlook on life.
That's a pretty red flower, Felisol. I am laying low at blogging popular items (Ruby Tuesday) for a bit as we have a lot of house work going on and other things need doing.
I can't keep from posting a bit but the comments aren't killing me on the ones I do.
Hang in there!
for he that has suffered in the flesh has done with sin, no longer to live the rest of his time in the flesh to men's lusts, but to God's will. 1 peter 4: 1,2
It's been years since I read anything by Erma Bombeck ... she was so right on target with her humorous advice. Thanks for the good memories.
I have taken time to read the past posts I missed. Lovely photos as always. Love the one of you with your mom, and the ones you took of Haugesund, your town!
This rose, so red and so beautiful...it must be the last one before winter takes over.
Erma Bombeck is one of my favorites. You are indeed right, we can look forward to the rest of our days and decide to live this way.
By the way, my daughter Obedient One is at this very moment on her way home to Bacolod city. She has just boarded her flight from Manila. She will be with us for the celebration of Ernie's first home going anniversary on Monday Nov 23.
Thank you for revisiting my blog place...to leave a warm comment again. Your friendship is a blessing and a gift I cherish.
Thank you for sharing this. To often in life we do not stop to think about how we want to LIVE in our own lives. When we lose ourselves in the busyness of life we all should stop and think how will we end up, happy or full of regret.
I want to be happy!!
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