Monday I spent worrying about my eyes. The sight had gradually worsened, in spitte of two kind of grops and annoinment to be applied five times a day.
Working with the pictures for my Ruby blog, I finally could hardly see the screen. Colors blurring and my eyes two inches from the working surface aching, colors changing like they were solarized.
I was convinced I was about becoming blind.
I prayed and made my blogfriends praying.
Tuesday the hiker girls went out for a four hour trip. I tagged along. Thought I might as well enjoy the adventure of the spring as suffering at home. We saw snowdrops blossoming every where and also the .
In thee evening I went to see Turid. She is gifted with warm hands and they really soothed my eyes.
Wednesday(on Serina's birthday) Gunnar and I went south, under three tunnels and over the fjord with a ferry to attend a dear uncle's funeral. My third uncle dying in less than a year. So sad to meet my aunt and my cousins under these circumstances.
Thursday I had my physiotherapist therapy and came home rather weak. No time for letting the soare muscles recover and adjust to the therapy. Due to major urgency I telephoned from 10.30 am till 18 pm to get my mom's bank fix some severe mistakes made by them.
I had to contact their superiors in Oslo until they finally came to their senses.
Gunnar and I went to and from Sauda to see to my poor Mom. She was exhausted too.
Friday morning we woke up to motor saw roar.
Our neighbor had rented a firm to cut our trees while he himself had hidden abroad. (To put in mildly cowardish).
I was devastated, cause they did not only cut branches, like we had agreed, but severely damaged the trunk both of the spruces and the birches So late in spring the sap has already risen in the trees and the birds started to build nest.
There are not many Christian thought in my head concerning those vandals.
Saturday was meant to be a girlfriend gathering out at Seahill, hiking and dinner.
I have to pass.
My eyes are getting better all the time though.
Monday I thought that if I loose my sight, I'll loose most of what's important to me in life.
In my vanity I said to God , I'll never complain about anything if you just let me keep what remains of sight and hearing.
Guess I've had to eat these words and lots of dust too. One should not give God promises.
At least reflect on how one, weak and vulnerable in flesh will be able to keep such a promise.
Close to sixty I still have a lot to learn.
Good thing though,the mild weather able me, with the help of Gunnar, to spread ten 50 litre sacks of fertile soil in the garden.
I also planted 50 sprouting bulbs and 10 Primroses.
Anger gives my energy surplus.
Except from Thursday I have had perfect control over my menu, thanks to Debbie's genuine advice.
And despite 3 buns and one hotdog & coke that fatal Thursday, I've lost a kilo.
Guess life could be worse.
Oh, Iknow for sure, life is harsher to a great many people.
I just had to blow out some black steam.
Gunnar made this video of the vandalism.