Like January 31st. I was going to have my second cataract operation the next day, and honestly with my poor eye sight I knew perfectly well what was at a stake. I did not cook or wash the house. Gunnar and I went for adventures, bringing our cameras with us. I did some comfort shopping on the local buy & sell internet place. An analogue cobra telephone, just for its beauty, a metal America trunk and a collectable Norwegian made portable radio from the fifties. We went collecting the merchandise all around the town.
Meanwhile we stopped the car and had a walk along the seaside, and later to enjoy sundown at the harbour. I had three naps in between, three telephone calls to my mother and we bought Chinese takeaway for dinner.
February first went well and so did the follow up control today.
I found great comfort in Psalm 90, which in Norway is read as a part of funeral ceremonies. It should rather be a hymn to life.
12 So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom.
I feel grateful for these past days, but the day before yesterday in particular.