Evil at the foot of the pulpit of St.Mary's Church, Bergen. The woodcarvers of the baroque had a vivid interpretation of how and what the evil was like. It felt right to put him under the foot of the priest ."But deliver us from evil"...
I know what the evil wants; murder and destroy. Spread conflicts, jealousy and hatred among friends, in families and in the church, and thus tear the good work down.
I sincerely pray God to protect us from all the evil's cunning attacks.
He has promised to do so. "Keep close to him, and he will keep close to you."
There's another even worse trap to walk into; be an evil doer myself. To seek revenge, and be tempted to use testimony and real evidence to hurt a person.
I know I feel tempted, so therefore I whispering pray,
"Deliver me from evil and from being evil or do evil".
Daughter Serina delivered her final assignment in video journalistic today.
Her Norwegian friend Thomas is The Stranger.
This ship is waiting for order to go out to serve oil rigs in the North Sea. She belongs to a local ship owner. Since we are so strategically well located, all kinds of ship industry have been thriving here for a thousand years and even longer.
Fishing boats, merchant ships,supply boats, ferries, shipyards, you name it, we've got it.
I haven't even got a row boat, so the "we" is referring to the town and the island.
The narrow strait situated almost literally outside our house door is probably the origin to the name of our country; North-way, i.e. Norway. It's the only safe sailing to ships heading north.
For more interesting Ruby Tuesdays
Magical Mystery Teacher is hosting Ruby Tuesday 2 together with Gemma Wiseman