Haugesund has at least four kinds of weather in a week. Lately we've had, snow, frost, storm and more snow. Here is The Salvation Army "playing the Christmas in" on the town square like they have done the last sixty years.
They are loved and respected by high and low, and use Advent time to collect money to make a proper Christmas for the less fortunate.

The Christmas tree in front of the City Hall was beautifully decorated by children from all the kindergartens of our town. The tree was roped by experienced sailors, and did withstand the storm, but the decorations were somewhat messed up.

Christmastime is also when we mostly miss our dear ones, who have created our best childhood memories. Therefor it's custom to visit the graves with candles and wreaths before Christmas. Three miniature roses on the moss and cone wreath at the grave of Gunnar's parents. He has four graves to decorate every December 17th. The one of his parents, his sister Bjorg, his grandfather and cousin Ragnar. It's a privilege to honor and visit Gunnar's loved ones.

As years go by, we try to cut down on "unnecessary" gifts.
We haven't yet reached the point of money only". Gunnar has hidden in my study to wrap in some secrets.

Our house guest, Silk Kitty. seems to have adopted us. The strong affection and admiration is mutual.

Serina came home through storm and ice and immediately took up her duties. Decorating the tree and wrapping parcels.

The Kitty and Serina fell deeply in love at first sight.

Cuddling and sweet talking for hours.

Fourth Sunday of Advent we went to the annual Christmas Concert in the mighty Church of Our Savior. Luckily some of the audience wore red robes.
Photo by Serina. The church was packed for two concerts this evening, and
inner peace and spiritual needs were richly filled.

Tears of joy could not and should not be held back.

What's moving me even more, is riding past The Thousand Homes".
A large public housing complex built in the 1920-ies. Now a refugee for alcoholics, drug addicts and criminals. Every year I am moved to tears, seeing a few Advent sticks in the windows there too. Waiting and hoping is what's keeping us all going on.

At home our Kitty lies in perfect harmony.
A blessed Christmas and New Year to all bloggers in my world.
The Nordic tenors were among the performers yesterday.
They sung this song among many others.

Originated by MaryT, check hers for today