Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Carols # 24

Norwegian.png  Norwegian  text

Norwegian.png Norwegian text

Mitt hjaerte alltid vanker
I Jesu fødte rom
Der samles mine tanker
Som i sin hovedsum
Der er min lengsel hjemme,
Der har mon tro sin skatt
Jeg kan deg aldri glemme
Vel signet julenatt.

Akk, kom jeg opp vil lukke
Mitt hjerte og mitt sinn
Og full av lengsel sukke,
kom Jesus dog her inn,
Det er ei fremmed bolig,
Du har jo selv den køpt
Så skol jeg blive trolig,
Her i mitt hjerte svøpt.

Jeg gjerne palmegrene
Vil om din krybbe strø
For deg, for deg alene
Jeg leve vil og dø
Kom la min sjel deg finne
Sin rette gledesstund
At du ble født her inne
I hjertets dype grunn.

Merry Christmas !

Christmas Carols # 23

Silent Night, the famous German song, is said to be the most common and most beloved Christmas Hymn.
In the early seventies a new Norwegian Christmas tradition was founded. The radio, the NRK, played Mahalia Jackson's version of this beautiful Hymn on the late night show. Since then, no "Little Christmas Eve" without Mahalia Jackson. She's become as important as the Christmas tree, she belongs in our Christmas hearts.

Christmas Carols # 22

 Good Day, You Green and Glittering Tree

1. Good day, you green and glittering tree!
We welcome you as we gladly greet you
With Christmas lights and Norwegian flags
And high on the top is your shining star.
Yes, it must shine for us to remind,
Yes, it must shine for it will remind
Us of our God, yes, of our God.
2. The first Christmas in a foreign land
God lit His brilliant star to show
That, as he promised in prophesy,
He sent His Son for all to see.
Yes, starlight shone on the angel's mirth,
Yes, starlight shone on the angels' mirth
'Round Bethlehem, 'round Bethlehem
3. Our mother taught us of Jesus, the Son,
On evenings when in our home we gathered.
We know His law and His gentle words;
We know we'll never them forsake.
The star shines, and our tree reminds us,
The star shines, and our tree reminds us.
Of His love, yes, of His love.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Carols # 21

This carol originates from Germany, but we consider it Norwegian. I found this clip where Sissel is singing with Vienna Opera Children's Choir in German and Norwegian. The text  on the video is Spanish. I know that Trey reads Spanish.
A happy amateur have also made his video. I think his original Norwegian videos are great.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Norwegian Christmas Carols # 20

Trygve Hoff has written this psalm on dialect about people of North Norway and God. I love the first YouTube clip. Children are just like these. The last clip contains photos from North Norway.

 North Norwegian Christmas Psalm
 Bless you the day over the fjord. Bless you light over the land.
Bless you the eternal words about hope and a reached out hand.
Protect what little you gave us, the day you moved us here north.
So we feel you will never forsake us in poverty and toil.

We lived with our cap in our hand, but had such a strong faith,
and one thing we have truly seen; we are tough ones, we, like you.
Now we have the hardest turn, we work to move forwards towards the light and the Advent time, it's a long way south to Bethlehem.

God's peace over mountains and hillsides, may life prosper where we build and work,
God's peace over the cattle in the barn and over a frosty and meager soil.
You see us in the Polar Night country. You bless us with eternal words,
The houses, the mountains, the waters, and the people who live here North.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Norwegian Christmas Carols # 19

I love this version of the old Norwegian Christmas Psalm "From Fjord to Seashore, from Mountain to Valley deep."
I am actually a bit low today. My Mom has been buried.
She loved  Christmas and especially the Christmas Hymns, so to honor her, I take time to blog one more Norwegian Psalm.
A special lady is singing and I also very much enjoy the pictures.
Here's the Norwegian lyrics.

Fra fjord og fjære

Fra fjord og fjære
fra fjell og dypen dal
et «Ære være!»
I dag gjenlyde skal.
Fra kirketårne
i fryds basuner støt
for Guds enbårne
som er i dag oss født;
nu er vi kårne,
nu er vi frelst av nød!

Til kirken samle
seg fra hver gård og grend
de unge, gamle,
av kvinner og av menn!
Vi ønsker eder
så glad en julefest,
Guds rikes gleder,
Guds fred i Jesus best;
hos hver som greder,
Vår Herre selv vær gjest!

Ha takk, som treder
til armods hytter ned!
Ha takk, som gleder
oss med din søte fred!
Kom inn, o Kriste,
tenn lys i hvermanns gård,
la isen briste,
gi varme snart og vår,
la ingen miste
hva godt din fødsel spår!

Tekst: M.B. Landstad
Melodi: H.O.C. Zinck

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Carols # 18

This is not actually a Christmas Psalm, but a scene from Children's Advent TV back in 1979.
A dear memory and a timely reminder of how much children's song always has been a part of Christmas celebration.
It has been said that Christmas also is a light feast and a time for the hearts.
Let's keep it that way.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Carols # 17

Today, December 17th is the birthday of Gunnar's father. He was born exactly 100 years ago.
We have this tradition to meet and put wreaths and lights on family graves today.
Lights are an important part of advent celebration this darkest month of the year.
It's also a great way of connecting with and remembering the ones who are in heaven now.

Christmas songs by the Sami people of the Nordic countries.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Carols # 16

This is also an Advent song written by Eyvind Skeie in 1988.
Originally for a children's TV program back then when we only had one TV channel.
The lyrics content one verse for every Sunday of Advent.
I maybe most of all love the expression of verse four, "Now earth and heaven meet in the child resting on straw."
I give you the Norwegian text. It should be easy to Google.

 TENN LYS !   (Eyvind Skeie)
Tenn lys
Et lys skal brenne for denne lille jord.
Den blanke himmelstjerne, der vi og alle bor.
Må alle dele håpet så gode ting kan skje.
Må jord og himmel møtes. Et lys er tent for det.

Tenn lys !
To lys skal skinne for kjærlighet og tro, for dem som viser omsorg og alltid bygger bro.
Må fanger få sin frihet og flyktninger et hjem.
Tenn lys for dem som gråter og dem som trøster dem

Tenn lys!
Tre lys skal flamme for alle som må sloss.
For rettferd og for frihet. De trenger hjelp av oss.
Må ingen miste motet før alle folk er ett.
Tenn lys for dem som kjemper for frihet og for rett.

Tenn lys !
Nå stråler alle de fire lys for ham
som elsker alt som lever, hver løve og hvert lam.
Tenn lys for himmelkongen som gjeterflokken så.
Nå møtes jord og himmel i barnet lagt på strå.