Picture 1.
Easter Day or Jewish Pescah is celebrated every year the first Sunday after the first full moon after spring equinox.
In Norway we call it Paaske and start the celebration Palm Sunday in memory of the day Jesus rode in to Jerusalem on a donkey to hold the holy feast with his disciples. The week in between we call the silent week.
The picture of eggs for fertility and a rooster in memory of Peter's betrayal are common Easter decorations.
Pagan and religious hand in hand. The sun cult did also celebrate the spring equinox as one of four majors. The sun cult is known and many reminiscences are found in our region dated back 7000 years or more.
Picture 2.
I let the young children designed by the Swedish artist Carl Larsson be a symbol of new life. N.B. The boy is wearing red suspenders.
Picture 3.
After the long and dark winter time, we now have 13,5 hours of daylight. I am in desperate need of colors, even if the frost took three of my outdoor geraniums, I fill the kitchen with an indoor rainbow.
Picture 4.
I like reading interior blogs. I'm amazed at the engagement and ingenuity young women decorate their homes.
Now and then I steal an idea. Like this one. Using an old wooden box after my dad for presenting tea boxes. The text spells First Class Citron.
Picture 5.
I found the old box in the carpentry shed.My father was keen on
having every thing in it's proper place. A dear memorabilia.
Picture 6.
Colors on thermoses, but white candles for me. These are recycled from used church candles and of fine quality. They burn slow, with no dripping and they are low priced. What more can one ask for?
Picture 7.
Daffodils are the proper flowers for Norwegian Easter, since they are named Easter Lilies.
I fell for this Ranunculus when grocery shopping. It might with a little good will be described as orange with a hint of red!
Happy Ruby Season to all of you.
Magical Mystery Teacher is hosting Ruby Tuesday 2 together with Gemma Wiseman