Monday, December 12, 2011

Nativity Scnene on Tuesday

A Norwegian enter hall is bigger than the Americans. First one is supposed to take off ones shoes in the outer entry room. Then there's a wardrobe for coats and rain gear e.t.c. Just because of the climate we simply need lots and lots of space for these things. Then there's our old chest of drawers containing this and that, scarves, mittens, caps, reflex bonds, sunglasses and whatever one might need for a comfortable outdoor life.
This Advent I also set up our Nativity Scene there.

Even though the same old figurines are present, they every year seem to choose different ways of presenting themselves . The main persons, Josef, Maria, baby Jesus and the shepherds were bought home made of white plaster in the seventies. We were three friends who came together to paint them with watercolours. They sorely need repainting, but because of the good memories, I'm somewhat reluctant to do that. Home made angels from way back are attending. So are people from every corner of the world.
The cernit angels are reading in the old Bible belonging to my father, the Gospel from Luke 2.

Serina's red haired angel seems to have been partying too much before the night. Oh, I love that funny face. I also love the wise-man from Germany, given to me by my life long German friend Christa. The mini chandelier is a gift from a family friend, Magda. She deeply influenced me in her mild, but firm way of living Christianity. She would have been 124 years this January. I still miss her and cherish every single memory after her.

The Globe is placed there for symbolic reasons. The treasure chest is from one of Serina's many toys. The little puppy has faithfully followed me for 56 years. It sure deserves its place among the worshippers.

Persons of all sizes and shapes are present. The big ones originally belonged to my second Nativity Scene. I gave it away this Christmas to a family who had none. The shepherd and the flute player figurines are made of ceramic and bought just because I stumbled over them and thought they might fit in with the rest of the crowd. The Weihnachtsmann is another gift from Christa.

Wishing you all a Silent Night with peace at heart wherever you may be.

Visit teach Mary for more Ruby Tuesdays here

20 comments: said...

It's the most beautiful nativity scene I've ever seen! And doesn't it represent us... the whole motley crew of us who gather to worship at His feet, God's children... all sizes, shapes, colors and personalities. One God, One Creator, and all of us, His created... not always a perfect looking group, sometimes even tired or messed up, (like Serina's angel, which I love with her red hair and funny face)... but always loved and forgiven... and worshipping.

This is priceless, Felisol. :)

Love you!

Ralph said...

The Christmas story can differ on little details - but not change the story that the Lord and savior were born in Bethlehem. Yet, the beauty of the day is reflected in this lovely display. The angels add the levity to the manger scene - that they display themselves differently each year is what makes the anticipation so much fun. It may be cold and wet in Norway, but in your home, there is a spiritual warmth and gow too!

steveroni said...

AND...I see there a typically angelic --grin--violin player, in last photo. Absolutely lovely, Fel!

Annie Jeffries said...

What a joyous collection, Elise. I love the mix of sizes, styles, colors, and mediums. And at its heart is the Holy Family. Oh come, let us adore Him.

donna said...

beautiful felisol!

Cheryl said...

Your nativity scene is quite lovely. I like how you have enlarged your collection over the years thru friends and family. Very serene. Thanks for the story.

Kim, USA said...

That is beautiful!


Debbie Petras said...

Felisol, I love your Nativity scene! And yes, you must need larger entry areas in your homes with the colder weather requiring lots of layers of clothing; makes sense.

I am so thankful for you. Your comments on Heart Choices always make me smile. You are such an encouragement to me. How thankful I am to have a Norwegian sister on the far side of the sea.

Love to you,

Amrita said...

Fascinating sight Felisol.

This is a collection of art, memories , love and adoration.

I was particularly attracted to the Bibles and the globe.The sheep are the favourites of mine.and the candles look divine - creating such ambience.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

What a glorious Nativity set, Felisol! Alleluia!


Something cherry, something blue,
Something scarlet just for you;
Something blazing as the sun,
Something red when day is done.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Desert reds here and here

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful nativity scene ! Mr. G. has one which he got when he was 2 years old that was 68 years ago. Everything handmade. Italians have the most spectacular nativity scenes, because they didn't do a Christmas tree. Now of course it has changed but the nativity scenes are still the most important. For this Christmas he handed it over to our son who will use it for the first time for our little Grandson.

Robin said...

What a beautiful and meaningful Nativity. I'm so glad you shared it and your memories with us. I wish you much peace, love and joy in this holiday season my friend.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautifully captured!

Late visiting for RT, hope you can visit my Ruby entry also when you get a chance. Happy holidays!

Colleen said...

No words to say how very much I love this!!:) Felisol, it's a work of art, I hope to have a glorious collection like this someday! I am adding to our nativity set by going to find lost and lonely figures at Fretex...they can come join our nativity set.:)

John Cowart said...

Hi Felisol,

Your display is the most beautiful, so warm and meaningful. And the memories each figure generates are special.


❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Felisol, That is a beautiful presentation of The Nativity ! It gives such a feeling of awe and wonder ! I love looking at it ,each time I notice something different . Joy to the World , Christ is born !

Saija said...

that is just an absolutely beautiful nativity scene! very festive, with the reminder to all of the spiritual side of Christmas ... really lovely - so glad you shared that! (hugs)

Terry said...

dear felisol...i am sorry that i have not been here lately but my computer had a crash down...we had it fixed yesterday...what i really love about these christmas scenes you have here is how the bible, gods word has the prominent place..the centre...i love you terry

Vicki said...

This is the most beautiful Nativity I've ever seen, Felisol. I could just sit here all day and gaze at its beauty, recalling God's deep and abiding love. I hope your Christmas celebration brought you much from Atlanta!


EveyQ said...

Just beautiful. The shape and size and partying last night aren't important. It is the Christ child, light of the world in the middle of it all then as now.