Monday, January 02, 2012

Amidala's latest sport

Our dear cat, Amidala, has conquered new hunting grounds this Christmas.

Her favourite targets are the red Christmas tree bulbs.
She knows she not allowed to kill indoors, but the call of the wild is just too strong.

Here she has managed to pull one bulb down while I was adjusting the camera. She rapidly pretended to have struck gold in the flower pot as she detected the camera lens.

The target is about to become the fourth victim this Christmas. The others were crushed against the wall. My greatest fear is that she'll be hurt by the glass shards.

Amidala cannot resist the sound of a cracking catch. She's pullling the bulbs up against the wall till there's nothing left, but an empty shell.

Gunnar had to carry the reckless warrior away to protect her from getting hurt. Amidala sure is not amused.


Luna und Luzie said...

Cute photos! Our cats love to play with christmas bulbs too. Sometimes I hear the little voice of the rolling bulbs at night when they are active ☺

*Happy Tuesday*

Lola said...

Great shots - and such a lovely cat!

Happy New Year to you and yours and look forward to *seeing* you again in 2012!

Here’s mine

Ingrid said...

such cute pictures ! This year I didn't make a Christmas tree because we were in Amsterdam, but when I do I now have platic balls that way when the cats play with them they bounce like ping pong balls, lol !

Becky said...

awhh dad!

Hootin Anni said...

I'm here from the new Ruby Tuesday 2...
hoping you can stop by to visit with me.

My direct link is: RAINDROPS ON ROSES

I love cats...cats rule!! And your beautiful fur baby is PURRfection!! What a joy to view the holiday photos of her and her new found friends...the decorations. LOL

Liz said...

She's so cute!

Moms...Check Nyo

GlorV1 said...

Great photos. Love your family pet member. Love it! Happy Ruby Tuesday.

Cindy Adkins said...

Cute photos! I'm lucky that mine have never bothered the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Love the photo with Amidala and Dad!
Cindy, (Buster, Rudy and Sam)

Robin said...

She's adorable. Mischievous, but adorable.

Happy new year my friend. Here's to a year full of all things good.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

Gemma Wiseman said...

O such a classic! She wants to party at Christmas! And determined to create her own party! Great fun photos!

Ralph said...

Cats always have the idea of being contrary to our wishes. So the best we cab do is catch them in the act and tell them NO! Except that our feline friends don't seem to understand 'no', so they go at it again when they think we are not looking...such a pretty cat though!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a lovely name!

MY RT2, happy new year of the dragon.

Mrs. Mac said...

I do believe that God sent Amidala to your family as a little reminder to not take matters too seriously all the time. She must bring many happy moments throughout the day .. a good distraction to trying times.

Felisol said...

You are quite right, Mrs. Mac.
Amidala means a huge difference in our lives. We even brought her with us for a week of Christmas vacation in Sauda. She's such a wise cat. Never plays with my mother, just curls up in her lap, purring out loudly when my mother keep stroking her and whispering softly to her. They're a great item.

Cafe au lait said...

Cute pics! Happy 2012!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Amidala-the reckless warrior! Oh no!
Oliver and Earnest liked to "help" with the "decorating." But luckily no causualties!

Barbros lille verden said...

Hei og godt nyttår!
Fine pusen - godt treet skal ned snart!
Takk for tipset med å brenne INNI skjeen når man dekorerer lys, AT jeg ikke har tenkt på det! Da sota det jo faktisk ikke i det hele tatt, må være en eller annen fysisk lov ute og går der...hehe :)
Klem fra Barbro

Jim said...

She's a nice cat, Felisol. I can tell. :)

Time to move the tree out
in favor of Amidala and the red balls.

Diane said...

I wonder what 'shiny things' the Lord is trying to teach me to walk away from today? Food for thought......I love you my sister!

Many hugs..........


Annie Jeffries said...

Sweet! So cat-like. Amidala is clearly a reincarnated Viking warrior, warrior woman that is. LOL

Trish said...

Cats are so different than dogs! And never being a cat owner...their antics are amusing. My daughter Kelly's cat, used to sleep in the branches of their Christmas Tree!
Happy New Year to you and yours dear Felisol.

Yolanda said...

I found your blog through Annies and I am so glad I did. I hope you will check out my recent blog post to see why. I love the photo of the snow and the cat is just lovely as is your blog.

John Cowart said...

That's a cool plaid shirt Gunnar is wearing!

Debbie Petras said...

I love these photos of Amidala's adventure. How funny to see how she struggles to get that decoration off the tree to play with.

It reminds me of us. How often do we try to reach for something that could be dangerous and yet we long for it? Your Gunnar protected Amidala and our God protects us.

Blessings and love,

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely post. Cute photos!

Roan said...

But she is so cute! I had a cat that enjoyed the Christmas tree balls so much I had to quit putting them on the tree. Great shots!

Amrita said...

Queen Amidala is indeed very regal.And her passtime is also unique.

Gunnar loves her doesn 't he

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