Sunday, November 26, 2006


I made it, all by myself.
Managed to change the Blog setting, and now all my November Blogs are recovered.


Kris said...

Wohoo! Go you!

I'm considering updating, but I don't know if I dare, now that I see what happened to yooooouuu. Stupid technical stuff.

Felisol said...

No reason to be afraid. You are young and well educated. While I, being a pc drop out, have to cry out to my husband for help over and over again. I dislike that. What's the use of having a modern tool, if it makes me a depandant woman.
Therefore I'm setting out on my own, making all the mistakes in the cybernetics.
Just recently I upgraded my Itunes site. The result; I lost a lot of my favourite tunes, and have to reinstall more than thousand. Even make new playlists.Appallig work. I haven't got the time to do it, I have to steal it. Staying up all night, getting the worst mousearm on this side of the Boknafjord..
Have a nice, peaceful advent time, enjoy life and Shakespeare.